When it comes to specific hair care, it’s important to know what hair type you have to ensure you’re using the correct products. Using products that are specially designed for those with a 3C hair type, probably won’t work on someone with a 1B hair type, however if you don’t know this, it would be easy to just say “that product is rubbish”. You will usually find that products themselves, like skincare, will say which hair type it is suited more towards.
However, regardless of how specific you want your routine, It doesn’t matter what hair type you have when it comes to some hair care tips, as they are universal. We’ve compiled a list of basic hair care tips to help you keep your hair healthy.
Towel Dry
This is one that probably everyone does, myself included, once I am out the shower, I instantly towel (the same texture as I use to dry my body) dry my hair. However, it wasn’t up until a few years ago where I found out it wasn’t that great for you. When your hair is wet it is at its most fragile, so using a towel and roughly drying it can contribute to snaps, breaks and frizz. Instead of using a ‘normal’ towel, try using either a different material of towel like microfiber or bamboo, or something even simpler like a t-shirt!
Shampoo On Root
In skincare terms, shampoo is basically your cleanser, so you’ll only really need it on the areas that get dirty, which is your roots – the shampoo will clean the rest of your hair when you rinse it out. The ends of your hair are older and drier than your roots, so they end up getting more dehydrated after being washed with shampoo, which is where conditioner comes into the equation…
Conditioner On the Ends
Like I said in the point above, the ends of your hair are the oldest, so they need a little more TLC compared to your scalp that just needs a wash. Think of conditioner as a kind of coating to your hair, so when you apply it, it can help reduce frizz, increase shine and make your hair soft to the touch. Of course, different shampoos and conditioners are good for different things, so make sure you take your time to pick out which products are best for your hair type.
Protect the Mane!
Something you may know but don’t understand the extent of is how damaged your hair can become when you regularly use heated tools, like straighteners, curling wands or even hair dryers, so it’s really important that you give your hair as much protection as possible. Before applying heat to your hair be sure to use some sort of heat protectant, usually you’ll find them in a spray form. Try to remember to not hold the hair dryers too close to your hair, to help prevent split ends, treat your hair like you would your skin.
Know the Ingredients
When buying skincare, one of the main attributes to knowing if you’re going to purchase a product is usually, looking for the right ingredients. You do this to make sure the ingredients you put on your face are going to help you and not make your skin any more or less oily/dry/problematic, so why don’t we do that with shampoo and conditioner? Knowing what your hair products are filled with are important as some ingredients, such as sulfate, can strip natural and essential oils from the scalp, these ingredients may also be the reason your eye stings when shampoo runs down the side of your face. If you find that your scalp feels any kind of irritation, or that your hair starts to try up over time, we recommend looking into buying a sulfate-free shampoo.
Remember, taking care of your hair is just as important as taking of your skin. If you experience excessive hair fall and damage despite following a good hair care routine, remember to always consult your doctor if you feel uneasy.
The post Our Top 5 Natural Hair Care Tips appeared first on Sweet Cecily's.