Hello Autumn, I’m happy to have you here.
The trees are turning into that enchanting burnt orange colour, and the leaves are starting to peacefully fall to the ground. We are reminded of how fast the nights are drawing in, and the cold is starting to nip at our toes. And, whilst the shift to the autumnal season is a rather dramatic one, it is one I look forward to.
Most people who know me would know that I am an avid fan of the glorious summer sun and the high temperatures we see from June – August. However, there’s a cosy feeling that Autumn brings with it that I love, one that you don’t get to experience in the seasons prior. With it comes a change to our outfit choices too, as we start piling on additional layers to create a woolly barrier from the cold. Scarves, gloves, jumpers, we pretty much turn to anything that feels thick enough to keep us warm. As we change our attire, our skincare routines and choices of product should see a shift too.
How is our Skin Affected by Autumn?
Let’s face it, the change from the hot sunny days to the crisp, cold mornings, has been a rather dramatic one. It’s gone from t shirt and shorts weather, to wanting to be laid in bed wrapped up as tightly as possible in the duvet weather in the blink of an eye. This change in temperature can no doubt wreak havoc on the condition of our skin. Now add having oily skin to the mix, it can become a disaster for maintaining clean, and glowing skin. Autumn time sees a plummet in both humidity and temperature making the main battle with our skin is keeping our faces natural oil production under control. But don’t panic, there’s a few ways you can change up your routine to help your skin thrive throughout this season.
Firstly, if you use a Fan, it’s Time to Put it Away
Aside from the fact that the price to run any kind of electric appliance has gone through the roof, running a fan all night has a seriously bad effect on your skin. You’re essentially blowing dirt onto your face and drying it out at the same time.
I must admit, I am guilty of this as I went through a phase of sleeping with the fan on every single night. Even throughout winter last year I was adamant that I needed the fan on. Perhaps it was more of a psychological thing, the white noise which I find a constant soothing sound. But who really needs the fan on when it is already cold? Get it put away, throw it in that cupboard of random seasonal bits we all seem to have. Trust me your skin will thank you for it.
If you’re wondering why it can be so bad for people like you and me, here’s the explanation. As a fan blows air around the room, it acts almost like a hair dryer (on a cold setting). Everything it has contact with essentially starts to dry out, like your hair would when using a hair dryer. When your skin starts to feel dry, your face begins to produce oil to compensate for the loss of moisture. But, for those of us who have oily skin already, more oil being added to our face will clog up pores and result in breakouts. So, just avoid the fan at all costs and if you insist on cooling yourself down, crack a window open, it’s far better for your skin and your bills too.
Take Care when Cleansing
Whilst cleansing your face is so important regardless of the time of year, as the weather starts to cool down and the air is much dryer at this time of year, you should really go gentle when cleansing.
To go a step further, you should be using a gentle cleanser for oily skin. If you don’t do that already then now is the perfect time to switch. I would recommend avoiding using a cleanser where the most abundant ingredient is oil based. Instead, opt for something like an oil free micellar water. Make sure you are checking the ingredients on the bottle before you buy, as some micellar waters do contain oil (this would not be good for oil control).
When it comes to the actual cleanse, take your time, be gentle and don’t overdo it. One of the most important rules when it comes to cleansing is ensuring that you gently (notice how I keep repeating the word?) swipe the reusable cotton pad or cloth around your face. No scrubbing, just a light brushing motion. By doing this, you will prevent all the natural oils from being wiped away. Without doing it gently, your skin may think it’s dry and start to produce more oil. I think by now you know how that will end up…
Keep Moisturising Every Morning and Night
This is a crucial step for your daily skincare routine. It is to keep on top of moisturising. By this I mean, make sure you are applying both in the morning and in the evening. In the colder months you may start using a thicker textured cream than the one in summer. But try not to use one which is too thick as it can stop your skin from being able to breathe. Find one that you feel is nourishing enough yet not too heavy, somewhere in the middle.
Your skin will no doubt be feeling dryer in comparison to the months prior so, applying a small amount of moisturiser to your face twice a day will help to keep it hydrated. And yes, you’ve probably guessed it by now, this will keep the excessive oil production under control as your skin is already feeling hydrated enough. Therefore, it will not need to make more and cause spots to break out on your face. If you would like to find out more on how to manage spots check out our previous blog all about it here.
Don’t’ forget TLC for your Skin, Mind, and Body
This tip is just an extra however, it’s always so important to be taking time to give yourself some TLC. Especially as the seasonal changes can bring changes to our mood and motivation. With that being said, remember to focus on giving yourself some love. Whether it be by allocating yourself some time to read every day or taking a long walk along the golden forest where a carpet of golden leaves is now present. You can also prioritise whole body skincare in an easy and relaxing way by adding one of our Soothing Bath Infusions to the tub at bath time. You can lay back and chill out whilst the blend of natural ingredients soothes your skin, mind, and body at the same time.
An Autumn Skincare Routine Should be Simple yet Effective
You may not have realised that as the seasons change, so should your skincare and so, I hope this blog has made you aware of how easily it can be done. By making a few simple changes when it comes to your skincare in autumn, your skin can still be as glowing as it was in the months prior.
The post How to Manage Oily Skin in Autumn appeared first on Sweet Cecily's.